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How to buy PACcoin (PAC) in the UK

Current Price: £0.0002   24hr: 0.54%

PAC is a relatively new coin, so we have to use smaller exchanges to buy it. You can trade Bitcoin (BTC) for PACcoin (PAC) on an exchange: this guide will walk you through this method. If you already have Bitcoin to hand, skip Step 1.

Step 1: Buy Bitcoin

In this method, you will trade BTC for PAC using Bitfinex exchange. Thus, in order to begin, you first need to acquire some Bitcoin (BTC)…

Buy Bitcoin: You can do this via the following self-explanatory services:

Click here for a detailed guide on buying BTC in the UK, including many more options.

Step 2: BTC -> PAC

YoBit Instructions

  1. Sign up for a YoBit account here
  2. Send Bitcoin to your YoBit BTC wallet
    1. Click Wallets on the top menu
    2. Press the + under the Deposit column of the BTC row
    3. Click Obtain new address
      1. NB: you may have to try a few times to generate an address
  3. When your BTC arrives, search for PAC under the MARKET left sidebar, and click on the PAC row
    1. Use the BUY panel (pictured below) to set your order parameters
    2. Hit the Buy button
  4. When/if your order fills, your PAC will appear in your YoBit PAC wallet
YoBit PACcoin buy window
Use this Buy panel to order your PACcoin on YoBit