How to buy PACcoin (PAC) in the UK
Current Price: £0.0002 24hr: 0.54%
PAC is a relatively new coin, so we have to use smaller exchanges to buy it. You can trade Bitcoin (BTC) for PACcoin (PAC) on an exchange: this guide will walk you through this method. If you already have Bitcoin to hand, skip Step 1.
Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
In this method, you will trade BTC for PAC using Bitfinex exchange. Thus, in order to begin, you first need to acquire some Bitcoin (BTC)…
Buy Bitcoin: You can do this via the following self-explanatory services:
- Local Bitcoins (buy with £GBP)
- (buy with £GBP)
- Coinbase (buy with EUR)
Click here for a detailed guide on buying BTC in the UK, including many more options.
Step 2: BTC -> PAC
YoBit Instructions
- Sign up for a YoBit account here
- Send Bitcoin to your YoBit BTC wallet
- Click Wallets on the top menu
- Press the + under the Deposit column of the BTC row
- Click Obtain new address
- NB: you may have to try a few times to generate an address
- When your BTC arrives, search for PAC under the MARKET left sidebar, and click on the PAC row
- Use the BUY panel (pictured below) to set your order parameters
- Hit the Buy button
- When/if your order fills, your PAC will appear in your YoBit PAC wallet