How to buy Verge (XVG) in the UK
Current Price: £0.0087 24hr: -6.12%
In order to buy Verge (XVG), we first need to acquire Bitcoin (BTC), and will then exchange our BTC for XVG. If you already have Bitcoin, you may skip step 1. We provide a few exchange options, but we recommend Binance.
Step 1: Buy Bitcoin
In this method, you will trade BTC for XVG using Binance. Thus, in order to begin, you first need to acquire some Bitcoin (BTC)…
Buy Bitcoin: You can do this via the following self-explanatory services:
- BC Bitcoin (recommended; buy with £GBP or €EUR)
- (buy with £GBP)
- Local Bitcoins (buy with £GBP)
- Coinbase (buy with EUR)
Click here for a detailed guide on buying BTC in the UK, including many more options.
Step 2: BTC -> XVG
Binance Instructions (Recommended)
- Register for a Binance account here
- Deposit Bitcoin into your account by heading to Funds -> Deposits Withdrawals in the top menu
- Click the + next to Bitcoin to reveal the wallet address – send Bitcoin here
- Once Bitcoin has reached your Binance wallet, head to Exchange -> Basic via the top navigation bar
- Use the panel to the right side of the screen (which shows many currency pairs alphabetically, starting AMB/BTC, ARK/BTC, etc.)
- Type XVG in the search bar
- Click the XVG/BTC link to reach the market page
- See the Buy XVG panel (pictured below), set your Buy parameters, and click the big green button
- This places an order, which can be watched via the Orders tab in the top navigation bar
- When your order is filled, the exchange is complete, and your Verge coin will appear in your XVG wallet under the Funds tab
Congratulations, you purchased Verge!
HitBTC Instructions:
- Register for a HitBTC account here
- Deposit Bitcoin into your account by clicking the green Deposit button in the top right corner of the screen
- Click the + next to Bitcoin under the deposit column
- Send your Bitcoin to the address that is generated
- Once Bitcoin has reached your HitBTC wallet, click the right arrow next to the Bitcoin wallet row to transfer your Bitcoin from your Main Account to your Trading Account
- Now, head to Exchange
- Search for XVG under the BTC tab and click on the resulting row (or click here)
- Use the Buy XVG window (pictured below) to set your order parameters
- When your order is filled, your Verge will appear in your wallet, visible under Account – from here you can withdraw your Verge to a different, more secure wallet